Code of Conduct
The purpose of this code is to provide a clear framework within which employees of the En.Core Company are expected to conduct themselves. The Company strives to maintain a work environment for its staff and clients in which honesty, integrity and respect for fellow employees and the customers/clients of the Company constantly reflected in personal behaviour and standards of conduct.
The Company is a large complex organisation and its actions and behaviour of its employees have an impact others, as well as on the local environment and the community. Employees are expected to have regard for the impact of their personal behaviour on the Company, colleagues, customers, the environment and our community.
The Company receives a substantial income from public sources, from private sector organisations, charitable and third-sector bodies. It is essential that all these stakeholders can have confidence that the Company maintains the highest standards of conduct in financial matters and seeks to maintain high standards of probity and ethical behaviour. Stringent procedural and audit arrangements are in place and employees are expected to ensure that decision making is open and fair and in conformity with the Nolan principles.
This code covers some of the most important issues relating to personal conduct, and gives a framework of standards and behaviour guidelines, but it is not intended to be exhaustive.
Standards of personal behaviour
Equality of opportunity
One of the En.Core Company’s core values is the promotion of inclusivity and valuing diversity’. The En.Core Company seeks to ensure that the work environment for its employees is supportive, and one where individual respect is shown to all. All members of staff, regardless of their gender, race, ethnic background, culture, (dis)ability, sexual orientation, age, religion, socio-economic status or any other factor will be supported and encouraged to perform to their potential.
Harassment and bullying
To secure an environment in which staff are able to flourish and to achieve their full potential, the En.Core Company is committed to ensuring that everyone is able to work and to participate in the life of the En.Core Company without fear of harassment, bullying or intimidation. Everyone in the En.Core Company has a part to play by ensuring that their own behaviour, whether intentional or unintentional, does not constitute harassment. The En.Core Company will take action against inappropriate behaviour which shows lack of respect for others or which leads people to feel threatened.
Health and safety
The En.Core Company places a high priority on providing a safe working and learning environment and will act positively to minimise the incidence of all workplace risks as required by appropriate laws of the land. All activities should be carried out with the highest regard for the health and safety of staff, clients and the public. Our aim is excellence in health and safety, by means of continuous improvement of standards, and the comprehensive use of risk assessments so as to systematically remove the causes of accidents/incidents and ill-health. This, together with more specific aims and objectives, reflects the En.Core Company’s commitment to promote employee well being.
Relationships with other members of staff, other clients and customers of the University
The En.Core Company does not concern itself with the private lives of its staff unless they affect its effective operation or its reputation.
Members of staff who are relatives or who have a close personal relationship should not normally have a supervisory, assessing or authorising relationship with each other.
Employees must inform their line manager if they have a close personal relationship with another employee, a student, or a client or customer of the En.Core Company which could be considered by colleagues or others, as impacting on the way they conduct themselves at work.
The En.Core Company expects individuals to follow all reasonable rules and instructions given by those supervising or managing their activities and/or work areas.
Misuse of drugs and alcohol
It is a disciplinary offence to be on En.Core Company premises and/or carrying out official duties when under the influence of alcohol or non-medically prescribed drugs.
Gambling activities must not be conducted on En.Core Company premises, discretion may be used in relation to small raffles for charitable purposes, national lottery syndicates, occasional sweepstakes etc.
Conduct outside work
The En.Core Company does not seek to dictate how employees conduct themselves in their personal lives outside work. However, unlawful, anti-social or other conduct by employees which may jeopardise the En.Core Company’s reputation or position will be dealt with through the disciplinary procedure.
Dress code
The En.Core Company does not operate a formal dress code for its employees, other than for those who are provided with a uniform and/or protective clothing. However, employees must ensure that their dress is appropriate for the situation in which they are working and that they present a professional image and one that reflects sensitivity to customer perceptions. This may reflect their ethnicity and lifestyle, but should not be provocative or cause offence to those with whom they have contact.
Financial regulations
The En.Core Company’s financial regulations create a framework of financial controls within which the staff of the En.Core Company must operate. These regulations are designed to protect the En.Core Company and individual members of staff. Failure to comply with these regulations may lead to the loss of assets, significant delays in payments to employees and suppliers, and additional work for colleagues.
Employees must not accept gifts or hospitality that could give rise to a suspicion that they have a conflict of interest or have been influenced in a decision.
Breaches of the regulations will normally be a serious disciplinary offence.
Conflicts of interest
The highest standards of behaviour are also expected in all areas of En.Core Company life, especially where individuals are in positions to make decisions which may have significant impact on others. In all such cases it is important that decisions are taken in a fair and balanced way that can withstand external scrutiny. Conflicts of interest should be identified so that individuals are not involved in decisions where their actions could be seen as biased.
Access to confidential information
Although the En.Core Company strives to conduct its business in an open fashion there will be times when individuals, through their positions as members of committees, selectors/recruiters, line managers etc, become aware of confidential information, either about other individuals or in connection with the En.Core Company’s commercial activities. Individuals should be aware of the need to keep such matters confidential and to respect the proper channels of communication for such information.
Use of equipment for non-work purposes
The En.Core Company will allow employees reasonable use of En.Core Company equipment and facilities, provided that authorisation has been obtained from the appropriate Director, that the use does not interfere or conflict with the work of the En.Core Company, and that any costs are met by the individual.
Private telephone calls
Employees may use En.Core Company telephone facilities to make occasional private calls for essential or emergency matters. Private international calls are not permitted without prior authorisation. Employees who have En.Core Company provided mobile phones must reimburse the En.Core Company for the use of these phones for private calls and texts etc.
Official international calls are only permitted from phones for which authorisation has been granted on a request from the Finance manager. Employees should seek authorisation from their Finance Manager for the inclusion of an international dialling facility on any phone which does not currently have that facility.
Use of IT equipment, internet and social media
Users of the En.Core Company’s IT and the internet facilities must behave reasonably towards other users and the facilities and in public areas they must behave appropriately. Users who do not behave reasonably and appropriately may be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with relevant procedures. The regulations give examples of reasonable and appropriate behaviour but are not exhaustive.
In particular, employees must not use En.Core Company facilities to create, display, produce, store, circulate or transmit obscene or pornographic material in any form or medium.
Employees may use En.Core Company internet facilities for occasional personal matters, but must not access social media for personal purposes in working hours.
Social media guidelines (interim)
Information security
The En.Core Company recognises that information and the associated processes, systems and networks are valuable assets and that the management of personal data has important implications for individuals. Through its security policies, procedures and structures, the En.Core Company will facilitate the secure and uninterrupted flow of information, both within the En.Core Company and in external communications. The En.Core Company believes that security is an integral part of the information sharing which is essential to corporate endeavour and the Information Security policy is intended to support information security measures throughout the En.Core Company.
Data protection
The En.Core Company holds and processes information about employees and other data subjects for administrative and commercial purposes.
Raising matters of concern
Employees have a right and a duty to raise concerns which they may have about breaches of the law or propriety by the En.Core Company. This should normally be through their Manager but in circumstances where this is not appropriate they may approach the Chief Executive Officer in confidence. No individual who expresses their views in good faith and in line with this guidance will be penalised for doing so. Whistle blowing is allowed and protected.
Breaches of this code
This code of conduct has been drawn up to provide a source of guidance to the En.Core Company’s employees. It is not a contractual document and can be amended at any time by the En.Core Company. All staff must comply with both the provisions of this code and the En.Core Company’s policies and procedures, breaches of which will be taken seriously and may result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.